A sunrise offers some wonderful color tones, but when added with fresh snowfall the two can be awesome together. The 3” of snow from the evening before was still fresh on the trees early the next morning. The forecast had strong winds starting early that day, so getting out right away was important if I would catch the trees with snow still on the branches.
A Fairytale Sunrise
Sometimes images can be some happy accidents. The first shots at this scene were way underexposed, and I discarded them upon initial review. Several images caught my attention, and it was not until I deleted some the bad shots had taken, I realized that I had something with an underexposed shot.
A view from above
The aerial view of some of the surrounding streams and trees offered great abstract views for the morning.
This is another one of those scenes I drive past every day to work, and it is only a couple of miles from my house. I wanted to get this shot as I knew it was one of the few spots that had the sunrise coming in at an angle covering the stream. I got there a little too early as the sun was still lower on the horizon. It gave me a little time to explore a few other shots walking along the stream.
The morning was worth the wait and cold.